
end of the world

Family Discovers Fake Wall in Their Home, Knocks it Down and Finds a Hidden Domesday Bunker

Family Discovers Fake Wall in Their Home, Knocks it Down and Finds a Hidden Domesday Bunker

Shelves and shelves of all the necessary tools and supplies needed to survive a possible apocalyptic scenario.
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A Warning from Autocorrect

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Created by LucianaPoe ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

At Least He Died Happy?

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Via Optipess

Food Bad Enough to Drive You to Cannibalism

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It Get Lonely At the End

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Created by Unknown


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If at First You Don't Succeed...

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Thank God You Set That Alarm

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And John Cusack, He's Okay Too

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Who's Ready for the End of the World?

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Cloudy With a Chance of Hellborn Meteors

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Sorry, I'll Be Busy Eating the Last of My Twinkie Rations

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Whooooo's Ready For an Apocalypse?

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Via Cyanide and Happiness

These Deals Won't Last Long!

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Who's Ready For the End?

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