

'Let the newbie fail': Finance worker stunned that new hire refuses to learn because they're "not the boss"

'Let the newbie fail': Finance worker stunned that new hire refuses to learn because they're "not the boss"

If this new hire doesn't shape up, she's going to lose that brand-new job . Imagine fumbling the ball that badly! They say you get one chance to make a first impression, and there are few times in life when that's more important than your first weeks at a new gig. If a company has just hired you, you should probably be acting happy to be there, ready to learn, and eager to get to know how the team operates. You're learning where you fit into the bigger picture of the company. During this period…
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‘Cancel [your] wedding… show up to work instead’: Employee gets told to ‘prepare to cancel or reschedule’ their wedding after getting PTO denied by management

Black tie optional
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'Excel final boss': Office employee breaks the Excel obstacle course record, garners a mixed reaction that sparks hilarity in the comments

Goal achieved, but at what cost?
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'Sorry, we're closed': Servers Share Most Entertaining Experiences Working at Restaurants

'Sorry, we're closed': Servers Share Most Entertaining Experiences Working at Restaurants

Coffee mugs rattle, silverware clinks, and the grill is sizzling. You weave your way through the packed tables, refilling customers' water and delivering steaming hot plates piled with burgers and fries. Ten years in the biz, and you've got this dance down to a T. Your muscle memory serves you well as the crowd thickens. You juggle orders, argue with the kitchen, and wish your coworkers cared about their tips as much as you do. Why does it seem like you're doing everything alone? By closing tim…
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'I want to enjoy a campfire from my porch': Guest wants to light a campfire in the middle of a forest, hotel employee refuses to sell him firewood

'I want to enjoy a campfire from my porch': Guest wants to light a campfire in the middle of a forest, hotel employee refuses to sell him firewood

Rules are rules, and at hotels, they exist for a reason. One guest checked into a hotel in the middle of a forest, and a while later, came up to the front desk clerk to enquire about campfires. This guest thought it would be a brilliant idea to light a campfire right outside his cabin so that he could enjoy it from his porch. Dude… do you know anything about fire safety? The front desk clerk stared at him and informed him that 20 yards away, were a bunch of leaves, dry as the desert. He couldn'…
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'By all means, keep it up and get fired': Customer service rep refuses to stop CC'ing their CEO in emails

'By all means, keep it up and get fired': Customer service rep refuses to stop CC'ing their CEO in emails

This person is completely blind to the consequences of their impatience. Luckily for the rest of us, their story is an unintentionally funny tale of workplace ignorance. There's always that one coworker that just doesn't pick up on the job. They could have all the training in the world, but they still don't understand basic tasks. They're the person who needs your help ten times per day when you're not even their supervisor. Other times, “that one coworker” will do their job so badly that every…
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37 Memes for Employees With the Monday Blues

37 Memes for Employees With the Monday Blues

Getting the Monday Blues is in employees' DNA. Nobody likes going back to work after having a nice, long relaxing weekend spent by doing absolutely zilch. Maybe some micromanagers enjoy the prospect of coming back to psychoanalyze their employees' work, but for the most part, everyone likes the weekend. I don't know who came up with the 5 day work week, but it feels a bit extreme. Why do we only get 2 days to chill? After the Industrial Revolution, employees' work time was cut into 2, but we st…
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Hospitality employee quits after getting duped out of a supervising role, leaving their impatient employer understaffed: 'Good luck filling that role'

If your employer can't wait 72 hours for you to start training for a new position, they have a serious understaffing problem that likely stems from bad management. They'll deny it until they're blue in the face, but management doesn't always know what's best for a company–especially when it comes to the hiring process.
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'Either do your job or hand in your resignation': Long-time employee calls boss's bluff, leads mass exodus

'Either do your job or hand in your resignation': Long-time employee calls boss's bluff, leads mass exodus

This boss felt confident in telling one employee to quit … but he didn't think they'd actually do it. In a story to r/Maliciouscompliance, this employee shared what happened when they worked for a company with high turnover and low pay. U/Catacombs3 wrote that it was a continuous cycle. People would be hired, trained, and could often hit their targets. But paying your employees a low salary means they can't be loyal to you: they're always going to be looking for someone else who can pay them mo…
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'I have the power to make your lives inconvenient': Employee promises to make coworkers work lives harder if they continue to leave spoiled food in the fridge, telling them to 'clean up after themselves'

'I have the power to make your lives inconvenient': Employee promises to make coworkers work lives harder if they continue to leave spoiled food in the fridge, telling them to 'clean up after themselves'

Some employees think that the office manager, HR, or whoever organizes the office works for them personally. See, I was an office manager back in the day, and people would leave the dining room an absolute mess. When I opened the fridge, I frequently thought that people were growing fungi there on purpose, by leaving their containers for weeks on end. It was so frustrating that I sent out countless emails, and even held an office meeting regarding the whole thing. Nothing changed, and I eventua…
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'Guess who woke up to 17 emails from the company?': Team leader pressures employee to work on their day off, demands employee 'write a review by the end of the day'

'Guess who woke up to 17 emails from the company?': Team leader pressures employee to work on their day off, demands employee 'write a review by the end of the day'

Working in a contract role gives you a lot of protection from bad bosses. But no one told that to u/Wrong-Ad-2507's boss, who seemed clueless about how that all works. It can be really difficult, if not impossible, to stand up to your boss. For a lot of people, the intimidation of it all is too much. It can be hard to ask for a day off, for example, without your boss demanding to know what you're doing and why you need that time off. Other people will constantly work late hours at their boss's…
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'We played chicken and won': Startup employees rise up against CEO's new office hours

'We played chicken and won': Startup employees rise up against CEO's new office hours

The new CEO of a startup had a brilliant idea: why not make every employee work from 9 AM to 6 PM with no exceptions? There are benefits to working hourly and for working salaried . With hourly jobs, you better make sure you're on time, down to the second. Lots of retail or restaurant jobs depend on their workers being there on the dot, and there are consequences for clocking in too late or too early. But the good side to that is that when you clock out, you're done. Many places literally won't…
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‘I cleaned the printer, now it won’t print': Employee calls tech support to inform them printer stopped working, IT discovers printer is completely soaked

‘I cleaned the printer, now it won’t print': Employee calls tech support to inform them printer stopped working, IT discovers printer is completely soaked

You are typing away, your keyboard going clickety-clack as your fingers fly across the different buttons. When you look down, you notice that your keyboard is a little bit dusty. Hmmm, that's not right. You guess it's time to deep clean it. How do you go about it? Well, probably not the way this employee did. One tech support worker took to r/talesfromtechsupport after they got an unusual call regarding a printer. Apparently, the printer wasn't working, but it had been just before. So IT saunte…
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'Deal with it': Foreman puts his contractor's health on the line after denying him proper safety equipment on a hazmat-worthy job site

When you're a contractor working on the job, there are a million hazardous things around you. We've all seen Final Destination, we know what the wood chipper, the table saw, and the open electrical wires are capable of… But what about the less obvious hazards at work?
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27 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

27 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

Take me away, far, far away. Let me use my PTO and take a day off. Please, boss, don't make me stay. See, that rhymes. I'm a good rhymer. I also really need a vacation. Employees get PTO but if we're being honest, it's frowned upon to take them. A job is like a marriage. Remember your vows. ‘I, worker, take you, job, to be my partner, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish'… you get the idea. You ne…
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‘A classic case of copy paste gone wrong’: Candidate receives a hilarious rejection email, followed by an apology after HR realizes they messed up

‘A classic case of copy paste gone wrong’: Candidate receives a hilarious rejection email, followed by an apology after HR realizes they messed up

The interviewing process for a new job is so tedious. Nowadays you have to go through 5 interviews, 3 assignments and need a warm recommendation from the president. Seriously, things have gotten out of hand. Why is it so hard to get a job? The market is absolutely bonkers, jobs aren't paying well enough to keep up with inflation, and recruiters ghost you after ‘being with you every step of the way’ for 2 months. It's exhausting, disappointing, and discourages you from ever finding a job. This c…
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