

skillfully made creations of bad and weird taste

Impressive Creations of Absurd Taste

Totally normal, not weird things.
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Tumblr thread story of college kid who drank too much caffeine | korrakun: my favorite college experience is had 7am class and kid next literally poured monster energy drink into his coffee said going die" and drank whole thing knew guy who brewed his instant coffee with monster instead water. three cups two hours think he ascended astral realm survivability human race never ceases amaze TABI ANECDOTE

Tumblr Thread: Super Coffee Is Not A Great Idea

"If caffeine makes me awake, more caffeine will make me the most awake. Right"
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funny mistaken people who missed jokes

Clueless People Who Missed The Joke By Miles

Are you serious?
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funny absurd lies people believed as kids

Terrifically Absurd Lies People Believed As Kids

Thanks, dad.
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farts flatulence Memes lol dumb funny stupid fart - 16131845

Fart Memes To Let Loose Upon The Unsuspecting Public

If you don't think farts are funny, you're untrustworthy. Think about it. It's one of the only sources of humor that's completely universal and no one gets hurt permanently. There's absolutely no downside. So if you're out here saying this is childish, moronic, and only idiots could find this funny, you are right and you need to find some different company. Now here's a waffle maker that also makes farts.
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spoof news birds-aren-t-real morning news conspiracy trolling parody morning dumb funny stupid - 107803137

"Birds Aren't Real" Founder Trolls Chicago Morning News

“Birds Aren't Real” is a parody conspiracy movement with the express goal of getting the word out that the government has replaced every bird with a robotic replica. Given the opportunity to talk about his cause in the high stakes world of Chicago morning news, Peter McIndoe did this.
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Music 20th century fox pepperoni dumb hotdogs funny Video stupid - 107802881

20th Century Fox Jingle Played On Hot Dogs And Pepperoni

Life is all about those little things that just work. Like when you learn how to play “Mary Had A Little Lamb” with a dial tone or figure out that a calculator can say “BOOBIES." And this is very much one of those moments. Ladies and Gentlemen, 20th Century Fox on forcemeat.
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Memes lol antiques roadshow dumb antique funny weird stupid - 16113925

Antiques Roadshow Memes To Appraise At A High Price

We like Antiques Roadshow as much as we like weird insane crap, and these Antiques Roadshow re-captions make perfect sense to us. Keaton Patti let some true magic fly out of his noggin and did the world a favor by giving us these alternate antiques. Also we regret to learn that it looks like we've used our space machine wrong.
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mad lads and they're funny, absurd and bold shenanigans

Mad Lads Who Brought The Banter And Shenanigans

These lads are mad!
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Woman buys fake reservation to hotel, is unreasonable, and gets taken to the nonexistent 4th floor, the roof

Rude Customer Has Fraudulent Reservations For Fake Floor, Gets Taken To Roof

Had to see it with her own eyes.
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news wtf headline mistakes lol ridiculous silly dumb funny - 16102149

Headlines And News Foibles To Remember Print Media Fondly

It saddens us that print media isn't what it used to be. There was a time when if a newspaper decided to have an unintentionally filthy or stupid headline, the ink was set and that was that. Everyone just had to live with the fact that the front page said something like “New Anti-Smoking Law Will Eat Butts On The Street." At least we'll always have these wild classified ads that show humanity at its finest.
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air fryer twitter wtf big mac lol dumb science funny tweets funny weird stupid - 16099333

Twitter Thread: Dude Airfries A Big Mac For Science

When it comes to advancing human scientific achievement, we must dare to be bold. And KLobstar has done just that, throwing a Big Mac in an Air Fryer for about the same duration as a feature-length film. It's a good reminder that we can all answer the call of science, and no person is too small when it comes to furthering our understanding of the natural world. He also ate part of the burger. Smells like a Nobel prize. And burnt ketchup.
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technically accurate funny literal moments | Tim Hogan @timjhogan 3h Sometimes think about guy at my poker table Vegas who kicked out after pit boss said he too drunk (high bar Security came over, asked him say alphabet starting with "M" and he replied Malphabet He escorted out room.

Dumb and Clever Moments That Are Technically Right

No one said they had to be actually correct.
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funny stupid facepalm moments

Facepalm Moments From The Virtuosos of Dumbness

It's like there was a contest.
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funny english fails and spelling mistakes

Blunderous Foibles of The English Language

It's a hard language, man.
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funny tumblr gems, memes and random observations

Funny Tumblr Gems of The Sparkling Variety

If they're not from France they're just sparkling gems.
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