

Don't try to give my mom onions

'You don't know if she was a Karen? Seriously?': Woman shares her Karen mother's self-centered restaurant antics

“Don't try to give my mom onions,” warned u/OceanPoet13, before sharing a few funny stories of her mother's “Karen-esqe” antics at restaurants. In a post to r/F***YouKaren, the user wondered if her late mother was actually a Karen or not! She relayed a few stories that happened due to the OP's mother trying to guilt people. As the OP shared, her mother decided one day that she didn't just dislike onions, she was allergic to them now. She was certainly not shy about sharing her newfound allergy…
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For American Servers - what bulls would stop today if you didn't work for tips? As in, you're paid a competitive living wage by your employer. What are you no longer putting up with from diners/customers?

'I'd probably start refusing service to all the morons that come out to eat and act all entitled': Waiters dish on what would change drastically if restaurant tipping suddenly ended

While eating at restaurants, do you tip your waitstaff some of the time, all the time, or never? While the standards differ between countries and states, in America, tipping is just the way of life. Most waiters have to survive off tips, and they can rake in the cash if they get a busy shift full of generous diners. But one person had a question for the Redditors of r/TalesFromYourServer: “For American Servers - what bulls*** would stop today if you didn't work for tips? As in, you're paid a co…
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twitter restaurant roast funny tweets dining - 15947013

Writer Roasts Michelin Star Restaurant On Twitter, Delusional Chef Responds With Ridiculous Argument About Horses

What an avant garde a-hole.
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