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‘I know inflation is crazy, but this is nuts’: Duo spending $1,300 on groceries every month scores 32+ tips from frugal altruists

Watching the grocery store cashier ring up your food items, makes every working-class shopper rethink that second box of gourmet cookies. As the receipt tallies your haul of hunted and gathered groceries, it's hard not to think of those days when a family of four could live off of a $20 grocery store run for a whole week– nowadays, $20 gets you a box of lettuce, 12 eggs, and a cluster of bananas (if you're lucky).
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customer service customers cars deals - 20207877

'We've decided we can't meet your expectations': Unreasonable haggler who demands a $3,000 discount hassles car dealers

“Tom was a royal PITA from the start,” lamented a fed-up car dealer, sharing the story of a nightmare customer.
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Entitled people and their demands | cello cases, those just sometimes aren't as protective. Hello wondering if cello case still available? Then why are even selling hello! yes cello case is still available assuming interested buying Also would never take some cheap ass case. My daughter needs very best give 50 Yes wondering if would sell 10 sorry, but times right now are doing well due fact full-time musician during pandemic also have been just trying get rid clutter my apartment received same.c

Entitled Folks and Their Ludicrous Demands

That's some award-winning nerve.
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Ridiculous entitled and picky people who want stuff for free | Marcus D. Luffy scom TOTS @MJohnsonFTW gave my boss my Netflix password so he could watch Tiger King and this man has lost his mind. His kids added their own profiles and he changed my profile ours. Nah, fam Who's watching Netflix? kids Kevin/marcus b. Addison John Kids

Entitled Folks and Their Unyielding Demands

That's some nerve.
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entitled people complaining and demanding things | NOT BEACH ROMANCE OR WEDDING PICTURES beach clean and beautiful site give But always cloudy here or rain every time came this side island thought would be little more private with upper class people here or family friendly like other side island with beaches under impression could get beautiful wedding pictures here on beach, since

Entitled People Who Need to Move on with Their Nonsense

They're bold and relentless.
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Rude, absurd and entitled people who demand stuff.

Entitled Folks Whose Foolishness Knows No Bounds

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Choosing beggars, insane rude cheapskates and annoying entitled people.

Entitled Folks Who Need to Leave and Take Their Attitudes with Them

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Choosing beggars and entitled people who demand free stuff.

Entitled Individuals Who Attempted to Take Advantage of People

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terrible frustrating FAIL ridiculous dumb cheap deals rude money stupid choosing beggar - 8886277

19 Laughable Cheapskates Who Expected Handouts and Got Met with a Brick Wall

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beggars that are a bit choosy

17 Entitled Cheapskates Who Tried to Swipe People's Coin

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choosing beggars that are cheap bastards

19 Cheap Bastards Who Tried to Take Advantage of People

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reddit choosing beggars show what getting free stuff is not all about

15 Ridiculous Cheapskates Who Are a Burden on Society

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cover image of a girl trying to get free meals from dating sites

13 Laughably Worthless Attempts from Selfish Handout Demanders

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wtf cringe

14 Entitled Cheapskates Whose Antics Never Cease to Amaze

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cheapskates acting cheap

14 Times Laughable Cheapskates Tried to Swindle People

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entitled people trying to take advantage

16 Entitled Dirty Dealers Who Tried to Take Advantage of People

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