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'My boss claimed I had never requested time off': Boss tries to gaslight worker into not taking their scheduled leave, they take sick leave, then leave

Leave is as much a part of working as the work itself. It's important to have the opportunity to step away from your daily demands once in a while and take an extended time to relax or spend time with your friends and family. Workers who don't have this chance are more likely to face burnout and a general lack of motivation; workers who do will generally be more motivated and more productive, thanks to an improved work-life balance.
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vegans, vegan, meal choice, wedding, wedding fail, bridesmaid, bride, best friend, ruined, entitled, asshole, AITA, catering, fail, humiliating

Entitled Vegan Bridesmaid Ruins Her Friend's Wedding, Humiliating the Extremely Accommodating Bride During Her Speech

“I told her it was just a joke but she was pissed and now months after the wedding she won't talk to me”
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