

‘This would bankrupt me’: Company demands employee pay back their entire yearly salary after they find out about their second job

‘This would bankrupt me’: Company demands employee pay back their entire yearly salary after they find out about their second job

Many companies have unexplained issues with the concept of their employees working a second job. While it is understandable that a company would want to make sure that their employees won't also work for a competitor, when a company forbids an employee from working another job altogether, that is a major red flag. A place of work should not dictate what an employee does on their time off, no matter what. The employee in this Reddit story had to deal with a lot of red flags regarding their job.…
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‘They fired me without even telling me’: Woman gets fired while on maternity leave, finds out about it from coworker who has been informed she quit

It can be alarming to think that some employers have no issue with firing employees while they are on maternity leave. Even though most countries have laws against exactly that, unfortunately, it still happens to a lot of employees. Which is exactly what happened to the woman in this Reddit story (OP, original poster). A few months after going on maternity leave, she contacts her boss to talk about her return to her job, with accommodation to her now being a new mother. Her boss probably didn't…
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quit quitting work workplace working coworker coworkers workers employee employees boss manager supervisor working ceo job business company managers

'She hated making small talk with people': 25 Managers reveal ridiculous reasons that their employees have quit

Quitting a bad job for a good reason is the best feeling in the world. After enduring the trenches in the workplace and slogging through trash tasks and terrible management, sometimes you just need to cut your losses and cut loose. For some employees, however, they don't always have the best reasons to quit their day job.
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A Happy Hour Menu Full of 43 Friday-Feeling Memes to Help You Procrastinate at Work Until 5PM

$2 off margaritas–Here I come!
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‘I was NOT on mute’: Guy gets caught in 4k cursing his coworkers when he forgets to mute his mic during a meeting

Back in the day, people with stage fright could conquer their fears by imagining the crowd in a more vulnerable state than themselves. Picturing an audience of strangers in their whitey-tighties is far more embarrassing than stumbling over your words into the mic, right? But nowadays, stage-scared people can no longer use this timeless tactic because we have a new beast to tackle: Zoom calls.
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‘I’m outta here': Employees Share Stories About Quitting on the First Day

‘I’m outta here': Employees Share Stories About Quitting on the First Day

It doesn't take much to realize you don't want to work somewhere. It could be that their lack of morals is obvious from the moment you start your first shift. Or maybe you're lucky and figure it out beforehand, during the interview process. You think, ‘Nope, this is not for me’, and either don't continue, or immediately quit. Back when I was working as a waitress, I did a couple of shifts at different places. Once, I interviewed at a fast food restaurant chain where the employees looked (surpri…
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'None of my managers rules apply to her': Barista irritated by manager's double standards towards customers' orders

'None of my manager's rules apply to her': Barista irritated by manager's double standards towards customers' orders

One barista is confused and annoyed by the rules their manager is making up. They took to r/mildlyinfuriating to share the story. But commenters informed them that they might be looking at things all wrong. Their issue revolves around making custom drinks for the patrons of their coffee shop. Some chains embrace the custom drink trend, including all of the Tiktok drinks with names like “Snickerdoodle Cinnamon Chocolate Chai Latte”
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‘He looked up at my boss tearfully’: Employees Share Fastest Ways Coworkers Got Fired on the Spot

‘He looked up at my boss tearfully’: Employees Share Fastest Ways Coworkers Got Fired on the Spot

I was fired before, and let me tell you, it is not a good feeling. The knot that forms in your stomach makes you want to bend over a toilet, and you dread the moment your boss invites you into their office for a ‘discussion’. In my case, it happened via a phone call. I was waitressing at a tiny restaurant in my hometown, and granted, I wasn't very good at it. The reason I got fired was because 2 days in I had failed to inform the kitchen that one customer's steak was ‘too well done’. The custom…
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best work memes from this week

34 Working Hard or Hardly Working Memes for Exhausted Employees

Trying to beat that eepy feeling at work should count as overtime.
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Overworked IT worker is denied overtime pay, he collects data to file a lawsuit against the company demanding compensation for all employees: 'Never mess with the IT guy’

Overworked IT worker is denied overtime pay, he collects data to file a lawsuit against the company demanding compensation for all employees: 'Never mess with the IT guy’

It is unbelievable how companies treat IT employees, even though they know these employees pretty much carry the entire company on their shoulders. They have access to almost every important detail, and you would be surprised at how easy it would be for them to cause chaos for the entire company. The only thing they are asking in return for their hard work is to be appreciated and compensated. And still, you constantly hear of IT employees who are overworked and underpaid. Much like the employe…
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'That’s millions of pounds of [our] order you’ve lost us!': Spare parts estimator plays the long game after company refuses to pay up

'That’s millions of pounds of [our] order you’ve lost us!': Spare parts estimator plays the long game after company refuses to pay up

This worker sure has a lot of patience. Imagine if you were promised a huge, well-paying order by a client … only for them to never complete the order! That's exactly what happened to this person, u/Jamespg614, who works as a spare parts estimator. The employee shared their malicious compliance story that comes with a few words of caution. Just because your boss or a client asks you to do something illegal, that doesn't make that action legal. In situations like that, the only thing you can do…
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'Interviewer... quit right in the middle of the job interview': 20 Interviews that went so badly it turned away the job candidates

'Interviewer... quit right in the middle of the job interview': 20 Interviews that went so badly it turned away the job candidates

Imagine getting the jitters as you show up to a job interview , only for the interviewer to barely ask you any questions about yourself. Or imagine if you arrived ready to explain your qualifications, but then the hiring manager decided to blabber on about his wife's career, and how you'd be better at her job instead! It sounds crazy, but a lot of people have had incredibly bad job interviews that let them know almost immediately that these roles weren't right for them. Some of them walked out,…
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Boss takes server's tips for himself under claims he hasn't 'earned them', servers builds a case to report boss: 'He won't get away with this'

Boss takes server's tips for himself under claims he hasn't 'earned them', servers builds a case to report boss: 'He won't get away with this'

When it comes to tipping culture, there are two types of customers: You either firmly believe that servers should be paid normally and not have to rely on tip money (and maybe because of that you don't even tip yourself, depending on where you live), or you feel for the serves who barely make enough money to exist, and probably overtip because of that. The main problem, regardless of how the customers themselves feel about tipping, is that many establishments still pay servers with the money th…
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'I left pool noodles outside on accident': 20+ Confounding reasons people got fired

'I left pool noodles outside on accident': 20+ Confounding reasons people got fired

These people couldn't believe what they were hearing when their bosses told them they were fired . That's because these workers were let go for some pretty off-the-wall reasons. The usual reasons people are fired are things like repeated latenesses, complaints from customers, talking back to management, or being put on a PIP (performance improvement plan) without improving. Most companies try to avoid firing people if possible, but sometimes it's avoidable. At least you're not the person who go…
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‘It sent me over the edge': Employee returns after maternity leave just to quit and put in her 30-day notice, other mothers show support and share their own rage-quit stories

‘It sent me over the edge': Employee returns after maternity leave just to quit and put in her 30-day notice, other mothers show support and share their own rage-quit stories

In this case, the support of a loving husband can only go so far. It's greatly appreciated and needed, but he has never been in your shoes. Luckily, the internet is here to connect anybody with support from others who have been exactly where you are!
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Judge gets even with local hotel owner for telling worker he'll fire him if he attends jury duty: ‘You can’t fire him because I say so'

Judge gets even with local hotel owner for telling worker he'll fire him if he attends jury duty: ‘You can’t fire him because I say so'

Don't mess with a judge. Bosses think they can get away with anything, and technically, they can get away with a lot, but they can't get away with messing with a judge. The person who attempted this was a hotel owner who told his maintenance worker that he was to do ‘whatever it takes’ to get out of jury duty. He then promptly told the worker that if he failed to do so, he would be fired. The worker was fine with serving, but he was scared of losing his job, so when he was called up to court, h…
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