

‘Don’t mess with my laundry': Resident bleaches neighbor's clothes after they mess with her laundry, neighbor moves out

‘Don’t mess with my laundry': Resident bleaches neighbor's clothes after they mess with her laundry, neighbor moves out

Doing laundry in your own building is super convenient unless you have a pesky neighbor trying to save a few bucks. In this case, OP was living in an apartment building with too few laundry rooms. There was only one single washer/dryer set per floor with about 12 units in a 3-story building. OP went about doing their laundry, until one day they found their soapy load on the floor of the laundry room with the final minutes of their cycle counting down. To say that they were livid would be an und…
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Karen tries getting hair bleached but ends up with Karen haircut | Don't be Karen if don't want look like Karen oc L So remembered story malicious compliance, as recounted by good friend mine. My friend is hairdresser by trade, and works at very upscale salon go her myself and can attest her being amazing. Anyway, this salon had one customer who had been passed around hairdresser hairdresser bullying every single one she saw. This woman an absolute holy terror, she made 3,

Salon Karen Argues Her Way Into New Karen Haircut

She flew too close to the sun.
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Nibble on Some Paint Chips, That Should Do the Trick

kid drinks bleach mom goes to facebook
Via smosh

That Awkward Moment When an Anti-Vaxer Takes a 4Chan Prank Seriously

Via Animorph23

It's Been Nice Knowing You!

bleach bad idea facepalm what - 8414119936
Via xsited1

Natural Selection Works Itself Out

bleach bad idea facepalm - 8303376640
Via Viral Nova

Feminine Hygiene FAIL

bleach category failboat g rated grocery store - 4916576000
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