
amazon reviews

Top 15+ unhinged customer reviews: 'I ate the whole bar of soap and I don't feel any different'

Top 15+ unhinged customer reviews: 'I ate the whole bar of soap and I don't feel any different'

You can learn more about people's lives from their online customer reviews than anywhere else. When people review products online, they are less concerned with how they are personally coming across and, if it's a negative review, are more concerned with airing out their grievances, thereby allowing their true personas to shine through. You can't get that level of unfiltered, uninhibited opinions from someone's personal social media profile. That's obviously curated in a very specific way. The o…
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reviews customer service karens entitled parents amazon reviews karen-customer customers 1-star-review karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 23154949

'Replaced them with shredded kale': Karen leaves 2-star review for "nasty" carrot cake recipe after replacing carrot with kale

You've probably heard about the “Ship of Theseus,” a paradoxical thought experiment that challenges you to question whether or not an object that has had all of its parts replaced is actually the same object anymore. Another variant of this is the "grandfather’s axe," which seeks to challenge whether or not an axe that has had its handle replaced and then later its head is really the same axe as it was before. Although not really quite the same philosophical question, I can't help but wonder… I…
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'Bolt in my food': Top 15 one-star reviews from irate customers and Karens

'Bolt in my food': Top 15 one-star reviews from irate customers and Karens

Some of these customers were justified, some were Karens, and some were simply not the sharpest knives in the drawer. Regardless of the varied experiences of these customers, thankfully, we are in the privileged position to be able to entertain ourselves with their ridiculous one-star reviews from a distance. I would certainly not want to be in their positions. For instance, the thought of ordering fajitas and then having them delivered only to discover a literal bolt in my food is beyond me. H…
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reviews customer service retail amazon reviews retail worker karen-customer customers 1-star-review business karen - 2113287

'Be advised': Male Karen leaves 1-star review because he's angry about free soda

There are a lot of reasons to be angry in this world… and free soda is not one of them. Still, name a thing that exists, and there is someone out there who is absolutely fuming about it, plotting how they can end it once and for all. Meet Larry. Larry hates free things, especially things that bubble and fizz and don't cost him anything. If you had asked Larry what the biggest problem in the world was, he'd probably answer that it was people enjoying themselves while they wait for him. His answe…
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customer support reviews customer service karens amazon reviews funny reviews karen-customer customers 1-star-review customer entitled customers - 20488965

'Does not even turn on': Confused buyer leaves 1-star review for a fake phone because it doesn't work

If you buy something that's specific purpose is to look like something else but not actually work, you shouldn't be surprised when it doesn't work. That's literally what it's for. I don't know what you'd actually want to buy one of these for—unless you were a retailer looking for a risk-free display dummy. Maybe as a prop for a film or stage set? Anyways—the point is that leaving this product a 1-star review for not working is mind-boggling. You should be leaving it a 1-star review if you were…
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20 Jaw-Dropping Amazon Review Fails

20 Jaw-Dropping Amazon Review Fails

If you're looking for a broad range of the human experience, look no further than these Amazon reviews!
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amazon reviews reviews karens funny reviews 1-star-review entitled karen entitled people - 1695751

Karen Can't Spell, Writes Wild 1-Star Amazon Review For Birthday Balloons

The internet is a wonderful creation that has opened all kinds of doors and avenues for the advancement of the human race. It allows us to collaborate, push new ideas, and make our voices heard in a way that was never before possible.
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product review of a sex toy

Guy's Imaginative Review For "The Hitachi Magic Wand" Ends In Wife Leaving Him For Another Woman

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funny amazon reviews

15 Times People Boosted The Reviews Section With Comedy Gold

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chicken harness review on Amazon for people who want to walk their chickens

You Can Now Buy A Harness For Your Chicken To Safely Walk It Across The Road

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amazon reviews that made us laugh

8 On Point Amazon Reviews That Delivered Prime Laughs

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amazon reviews for boots that have hate symbols on their soles

Vicious Pack of Redditors Find out Boots Leave Swastikas in Footprints, and Take Over the Amazon Listing in Savage Fashion

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Bag of Haribo Sugarless Gummy Bears - Cover for list of Amazon reviews.

Sugarless Haribo Gummy Bear Reviews Tell Tales of Toilet Terror

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