

The 'Antonin Scalia School of Law' Will Be Renamed Because the Acronym It Made Was Just Too Good to Be True

fail acronym politics The 'Antonin Scalia School of Law' Will Be Renamed Because the Acronym It Made Was Just Too Good to Be True
Via nymag

Truck It, He Doesn't Care

acronym truck classic win - 8746741248
Created by tamaleknight

This Fails Both Acronyms and Acrostics

This Fails Both Acronyms and Acrostics
Via @max_fisher

This School Needs a New Acronym

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Via Sheikhfahad

Today's Headline Special is Alphabet Soup

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Via Bad Newspaper

Your Internet Acronyms Lead You RIGHT Into the Arms of Satan

Via theronsternater

Are Your Kids Sending Texts From the Dark Abyss?

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It's 11:00 PM, Do You KNow What Your Children Are Meme-ing?

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Via Brown Cardigan

Somebody Didn't Get the Memo on What an Acronym is

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Via IsItBrokenOrWhat

That's Not How One of Those Things Works

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Via IsItBrokenOrWhat
Astronomy acronym funny science Video - 64942849

Astronomers Love Acronyms

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That's Not How Acronyms Work

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Via Nahguacm

Shoe Glad That Whole Business Got Cleared Up

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Created by Zelan

Football? Fart Box? Friendly Bickering? It's All a Mystery to Us.

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Via I Heart Chaos

This is an Endless Loop of Ignorance

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I'll Take the Penultimate One Please

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