
school FAIL students teacher Professors cheating reddit thread Reddit artificial intelligence college - 20988677

'Professor accused me of using AI': Student has to prove essay wasn't plagiarized, just subpar

'I will not be removing the late penalty': College student points out grading mistake, professor refuses to remove bogus deduction

'I will not be removing the late penalty': Professor refuses to remove bogus deduction after college student points out grading mistake

'My paper isn't long enough? K': College student gets back at rude professor by writing extra long paper and getting it published

'My paper isn't long enough? K': College student gets back at rude professor by writing extra long paper and getting it published

'Kate never did show up': College professor finds absentee student who insists she's showing up to class

'Kate never did show up': College professor faces off with absentee student who insists she's showing up to class

oh my paper isn't long enough? k.

College Student Told His Essay Was Too Short, Gets Revenge By Writing Extra Long Paper Next and Getting It Published

If you don't want me to take advantage of your grading policy, then you shouldn't have had the policy that you did.

'He tells me I'm abusing his grading policy': College student knows worst grade will be dropped, only submits title page for next assignment

teacher Professors reddit thread Reddit college exams - 20234501

‘Whose notes are these?’: Student finds loophole in professor’s open-note exam policy, shares notes with the whole class

‘I was told there were no formatting restrictions’: College professor gets her comeuppance when students take a stand, leads to 100% pass rate

‘I was told there were no formatting restrictions’: Students take a stand against college professor, leads to 100% pass rate

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'Oh I’m not allowed to clean up early? Have it your way': University TA schools professor over unreasonable demand

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'I obviously submitted subpar work': College student proves professor wrong by following their own grading policy

Marketing Class Group Project

'It was evident who was a contributor and who was a leech': Teacher doesn't let slackers get off scot-free in college group project fail

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'Pretty privilege': University student mocked by the guys despite being the best in class, she gets petty revenge

Apparently submitting assignments before the due date is considered “Late”.

'A deadline is a deadline': College student gets late penalty despite turning in paper early, professor goes on power trip and refuses to reverse decision

Faked proof that I had a flat tire so that the lazy people in my group project would have to do the presentation themselves therefore likely will fail

'I got stuck with possibly the worst 3 people to be in a [group] project': One student's tire-less pursuit of petty revenge

Terrible Teacher Teachers Professors university university-students veterinarian malicious compliance

'The entire class is fed up': Veterinary students take a stand against their tyrannical teacher's unreasonable demands

My professor told me to wear a longer skirt in our class email

'I'm just feeling a bit humiliated and unfairly called out': Professor tells college student to wear a longer skirt in a class-wide email