Sketchy Santas

If You Can't Grow a Beard Like Claus...

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Wild Christmas

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They Only Detect Holidays By Movement, Stay Still!

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Santa Needed Help Adjusting His Stock Options

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Created by cam765432


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No Touching!

Image 4146385920

Is That Supposed to be a Smile?

Image 4129400320
Created by ashstar

The Evil Death Glare of Claus

Image 4127541504

A Little Old to be Playing Santa?

Image 4113277696
Created by moltenwater77

Don't Move, That's How He Sees You!

Image 5554457600
Created by Unknown
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Come Back, Bill

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I'm Sorry, You're Going to Have to Speak Up

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A Child is Born, Unto Us

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Truer Words Have Yet to Be Spoken

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The Stages of Santa-Rage

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Created by marthaKool

The Times Were Rough For the Gingerbread Family...

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Via Polish that Turd