School of Fail


Marine Biology 220: Are You Ready For Shark Week?

class is in session infographics shark week sharks the Roosevelts - 6413634304
Via The Roosevelts

Sharks Are Super Old

trees sharks science funny - 7809856000
scishow bones sharks funny Video shark week - 63455745

Why Don't Sharks Have Bones?

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Evolution's Been Rough On You, Buddy

evolution people sharks - 6300568064
Via The Rut

Fun Facts: Totally True, I Swear

did you know fun facts sharks - 6324035072
Via Did Yuo Kno
question tornado sharks funny g rated School of FAIL - 53098241

Burning Question: Is a Sharknado Possible?!

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Girl finds shark on the beach, and then yeets it back into the ocean | love going walks at night, especially there's clear sky, so age sixteen, would go few miles up beach around midnight most nights. One night, while still about mile our house saw something rolling surf s either plastic bag caught on log thought Or four foot shark jogged over not plastic bag caught on log shark moving and didn't appear be hurt, but caught water only an inch or so deep, being pushed higher with every wave by

Girl Discovers Shark On Beach, Throws It Back Into Ocean

There should be an animated short for this.
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Sharks Are Amazing

trees Fun Fact awesome sharks science funny - 8131368704
Via Unknown

The Glowing Chain Catshark

gifs sharks - 7140742656
Via Luminescent Labs

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