School of Fail


Feel the Madness

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Via Bulbatsar

The Things Kids Learn

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Via The World Is Awful

Drink Up, Nerds

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Paper Clips, They're Super Dangerous

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Via FatManManFat

Politicians... They Don't Science Very Well

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Via Daily Kos

Someone Really Doesn't Understand the Earth

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Take That, Dear Reader

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History 101: Caligula Was Awesome

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You Won't Graduate With That Attitude

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Stay In School, Kids!

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Via Tammy Bex

Ban All the Books!

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Via Incidental Comics

Close Enough

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Created by beernbiccies

The Cost of Space

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Via Payday Loan

Not Sure They Know What "Diversity" Means

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Via KickerPride

Student at Quinnipiac University Calls in a Bomb Threat to Keep Her Dropout a Secret

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Now That's a Presentation

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