School of Fail


Cute is a subjective word used for describing small, pleasing and non-threatening features, typically found on people, animals, objects and even ideas.

Babies cute funny science Video - 64821761

Why Are Babies Cute?

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New Miniature Leaf Chameleon Has Been

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Via Plos One

The Best Partners Ever

they go together like pb&J
Via Greenninje
nice wholesome memes | TODD SPENCE @Todd Spence Actual photo service dogs watching Billy Elliot Musical as part their behaving theater training. My heart can't take | bro love is so strong earth rewards two men in hard hats holding heart shaped rocks

Wholesome Memes to Keep The Feels Intact

Things can still be nice.
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What a Cheater!

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But Not Much More Than Pi

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Math Can Be Adorable

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Via Magical Maths

AstroNOMy Is Delicious

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College Is a Lot Different Nowadays

Sexy Ladies cute math - 7130405376

Never Get Attached to Students

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This Penguin Is a Brilliant Scientist

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kids cute family Cats Video - 63537409

This Kitty Walks Her Little Boy to School Everyday!

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The Tardigrade Cupid

an adorable tardigrade cupid
Via General Electric
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