School of Fail


Smile, It's Calculus!

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Created by hckondos ( Via Boy Dog Comics )

Try This At Home, Kids!

calculus - 5779612672

ACTUALLY... I'm Not Good at Anything

alphabet calculus spelling math - 7135426816
Created by Unknown

Calculus, How Does it Work?

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thrift shop calculus math funny g rated School of FAIL - 51093505

Calculus Thrift Shop

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Will do Calculus for Food

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Via theodd1sout

That's Why I Took Advanced Calculus

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Elves are Great a Calculus

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Via Whimsies and Musings
Music calculus frozen math Video - 61613313

Here's Some Frozen Calculus

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Especially Calculus

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Sometimes People Are Honestly Smart

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Via Rawrtherapy

Calculus in Crayon

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Via tbernielvl

Trolling Math Teachers

this kid hates math tests
Via cosmoflop12

Adding and Subtracting is HARD

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Really Sums Up Calculus

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Via Mansoor Sheriff

The Love of Math, Ladies and Poetry

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Via Meeseeksanddestroy
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