Poorly Dressed


What's Better Than a Cat Sweatshirt? A Rainbow Cat Sweatshirt!

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Via alrdy_reddit

Nice Sweatshirt, it Would Look Great on My Floor

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Via @adagamov

Geography is Hard

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Via Izismile

Fringe Has Gone Too Far

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Via Bellerose

Sage Advice, Sweatshirt

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A Better Kind of Birthday Suit

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Via Izismile

At Least He's Self-Aware

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Via meme*****

Taste the Rainbow

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Via Google

I'm a Sad Hoodie

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For the Most Boring Person You Know

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Via vwvwv

False: This is Perfectly Acceptable Attire

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The Pinstripe Hoodie: Demonstrating Power, But Also Laziness

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Via The Awesomer

I Heard You Liked Bad Outfits...

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Via Izismile

Be a True Friend

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Really Limits Where You Can Sit

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Some Days You Need to Send a Message

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Via nooworks

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