Poorly Dressed


Soccer. Not to be mistaken with football or any other random ball sports. A gentleman's sport full of goals dips dives cries and whistles. If you dream to bend it like Beckham, then get a laugh at these hilarious soccer jokes and puns.

Having Ball(s) - You're Doing It Wrong

balls soccer - 5265109504
Created by Snake73

The First in a Series

poorly dressed t shirts soccer - 8225779968
Via @Matthewfox13

Soccer Swag

hat soccer - 5806220288

This Means It's Legal to Kick Him in the Head, Right?

hats soccer - 6150260736

There's a Tide Commercial in Here, Somewhere

uniform soccer - 7651543040

Your Hair Looks Simply Scrumptious

hair poorly dressed pizza soccer - 8166896896
Via @untrndr

Who Wore it Better?

uniforms soccer - 7256365056

It's Classy to Tuck Your Shirt In, Right?

poorly dressed soccer g rated - 8219364352
Via meme*****

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