Poorly Dressed


Let's get some shoes. Shoes are what separates us from a banana. That and a few genetic twists. Shoes have become a global sensation for young and old collectors alike. If you're all about that footwear and everything that has to do with it, fantastic. But not flip flops or sandals, get out of here with that nonsense.

Walking Tall

cross dressing heels shoes - 4966406656

Just When You Thought Toe Shoes Couldn't Get Any More Hideous

shoes poorly dressed feet g rated - 8225768960
Via Acid Cow

I Forgot How to Shoe

shoes dads pants - 7085596928

Thanks For the Knockoff Crocs, Mom and Dad...

shoes poorly dressed parenting crocs - 8419390464
Via f***yeahcrocks

These Colors Don't Run, Because It's Really Hard to Run in Platforms

merica olympics platforms shoes usa - 6495374080

When You Need Your Sneakers to Give You a Little Lift

shoes heels poorly dressed sneakers - 8405146880
Via Izismile

But, Then I'd Be.... Ah!

shoes pants - 7113494528

Laces a Little Too Long?

shoes poorly dressed shoelaces - 8235352064
Via Izismile

Shoe Go in Mouth?

shoes driving eating - 7116270080

There is absolutely no way anyone can walk in those shoes

high heels shoes uncomfortable shoes - 5670769152

When Did Your Dog Turn Human?

cross dressing dogs Fetish leash shoes - 5285168128
Created by trackerng

The Only Raccoon You Really Want Around

cute shoes poorly dressed - 8356619776
Via Shopbop

How Sole Mates Kiss with Tongue

shoes gifs puns - 7836707328
Via theoldreader.com

So That's What They're For

shoes poorly dressed crocs - 8178561024
Via The Troubador

When Your Shoe Can Do This...

shoes poorly dressed sneakers g rated - 8197113600
Via Acid Cow

Protect Yo Shoes

flip flops security shoes - 5818189312
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