Poorly Dressed

poorly dressed

Darth Vader Likes Flowers Too

Via ThinkGeek

Came in Like 'Murica

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The 25 Worst Hairstyles Ever

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When You're Not Sure What Kind of Pants You Want to Wear

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Via Izismile

So Hipster, Wow Impressive!

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A Blast From the Past

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Via draggor

Is it Good Luck if a Guy Carrying a Black Cat Crosses Your Path on Halloween?

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Is This the Reminder You Want on Your Panties?

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Via naja

He's Always Looking Right Over Your Shoulder

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Via The Chive

Nice Socks, Joe

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Time to Retire These Jeans

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Via @meg4npritch4rd

It's Dangerous to Go Alone! Take This... [Condom]

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Nothing Cozier

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Via IAmACollegekid

Everybody Gets a Sweatshirt!

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Via happyblackhistorymonth

Carry a Furry Friend Wherever You Go

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Via bsiemers1

Only Thing Better Than a Reindeer Sweater is a Reindeer-in-Sunglasses Sweater

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