Poorly Dressed


I tip my hat to you, and have a wonderful day. Where are the days where people used to talk with such dignity and respect. Now it's all MAGA this and Save the Planet that. Why not just go back to good old fashion headgear. You know, to cover that massive bald patch you pretend you don't have.

A Crappy Look

button necklaces hat poop poorly dressed - 8220710400
Via loscuatroojos

Can't Wait Until My Ten-Milliliter Cowboy Hat Arrives

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Via snurby.tumblr.com

Apparently There are No Clothes in the Luggage

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Created by Unknown

Olive the Other Kids Will Be So Jealous

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Maybe You Should Try Stripes

hat loud paisley pattern - 4853903360
Created by mcveyla

Bringing Back The Clueless Look

90s hat pink polyester - 4461099264


angry hat hulk sombrero - 4081169408

Hair or Plastic?

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Created by eschwizzle

I Wish They Didn't Make Me Wear the Hat

monday thru friday poorly dressed McDonald's hat fast food g rated - 8113163264
Via Google

Everybody Loves a Panda in the Snow, Right?

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The Squid Is Slowly Consuming Her

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Freaking-Me-Out Elmo

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The Marquis DeSuds

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Ah, the Good Old Days

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I Look Ridiculous

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That Shirt Is Almost A Gown

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