Poorly Dressed


I tip my hat to you, and have a wonderful day. Where are the days where people used to talk with such dignity and respect. Now it's all MAGA this and Save the Planet that. Why not just go back to good old fashion headgear. You know, to cover that massive bald patch you pretend you don't have.

It's Not a Problem!

beanie poorly dressed Cats hat - 8392997120
Via Shock

Warm, Yes. Happy, No.

scarf poorly dressed Cats hat - 8402389504
Via dreamersland

Sick Burn, Dude

poorly dressed hat g rated - 8286762752
Via Designs_for_life CafePress


coat green hat pimp wrestler wtf - 4222446336

Thanks, Dad...

embarrassing dad hat parenting poorly dressed g rated - 8327108608
Via purplesock92

For Those Times When You Need Privacy

cell phone hat phone - 5950026752

He Wears Many Hats

poorly dressed baseball hat - 8219165184
Via meme*****

Try as They Might....

airplane hat haters poorly dressed g rated - 8355346176
Via BigPostman

Advertising Your Instability is Atractive

fashion hat - 7847205376


cat Cats funny g rated hat poorly dressed - 5878505216

Oh That Guy, He's Such a Bird-Hat

hat novelty Turkey - 6189295104
Via Neatorama

All My Knit Stuff Ends Up Snagged, Don't Know Why...

poorly dressed hedgehog hat - 8037853952

Nice Hat

hat tiny poorly dressed knitting - 8184079616
Via c0wsaysmoo

Oh, HAT! I Thought You Said CAT!

cat hat - 6816136192

Always Keep a Fork Handy

fork hat poorly dressed - 8203809792
Via Izismile

The Marquis DeSuds

bathroom hat - 5196239104
Created by mischa3x4