Poorly Dressed

Now I'm Just Going to Stick My Finger Right Up Its...

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He Saved Money on a Jersey AND Contributed to Local Birds' Nests

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It's actually a portal to an alternate dimension

Portal - 5344498432
Created by squashitablem

MC Hammer would be proud

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Everyone Stands at Attention for a Good Pun

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Via Reddit

If Regular Snakeskin Boots Aren't Enough

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Via Oda_nicullah

Hey Sexy Ladyboys

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Created by pojken

Superman Should Have Known Never to Tangle With Catman

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So Cold...Better Leave My Jacket On

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Via Izismile

How You Dress May Affect Those Closest To You

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Pucker Up, Big Boy

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Taking Questions...Yes, You in the Spider-Man Costume

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High Heel Sneakers: Missing the Point 101

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Highlight Your Moneymakers

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He's Real!

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Via Daily Picks and Flicks