Parenting Fails


Tumblr: a magical website with the bizarre, the hilarious and the unexpected. Think you've seen it all? Think again. The best one-liners, random threads and weird thoughts are yet to be discovered. 

The Only Ink You Should Consider For a While

kids ink markers parenting tumblr - 7921429760
Via Thank You Based God

Are Your Kids Like This?

tumblr kids parenting hiding g rated - 8416885248
Via Pleated Jeans
A funny Tumblr thread about a daughter accidentally crashing her mom's virtual book club | tricktster So other night my mom upstairs on zoom call with Council Retired White Moms (her book club my dad downstairs working out, and my brother and were cleaning up kitchen, which obviously requires soundtrack. Now know sometimes like “alexa, play song and she's like “playing totally different song] on TST's spotify or maybe she just decides play literally nothing instead? My workaround

Tumblr Thread: Daughter Crashes Mom's Book Club

Those moms must've been shook.
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Grandma's Garden Hobby Seems Like a Sham Now

Grandma's Garden Hobby Seems Like a Sham Now
Via whycanttheenglishlearntospeak


tumblr markers ink - 6751177216

The Nerd's Note

nerd note Party tumblr - 6065483776
A Tumblr post about a customer counteracting angry Karen with kindness | unclefather cashier: l'm sorry 's going be 5 minute wait food old people: let speak manager. This never would have happened my day. And yet all want minimum wage raised going kill cashier sorry 's going be 5 minute wait food

Tumblr Thread: Aggressive Generosity Combats Boomer Selfishness

The world's an awesome place sometimes.
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Even Freakier if Your Mom Already Says Swaggy

Even Freakier if Your Mom Already Says Swaggy

Wow, Dad...

dads tumblr kids dad jokes parenting - 8024744448

I Didn't Raise My Son to Be a Troll

tumblr trolling parenting funny - 7620007680
Created by spartan117andSully

Thanks For Asking, Mom

moms parenting tumblr - 7908702464
Via chriscolfer-is-perfect

Take That, Dad Jokes!

Text - afternoonsnoozebutton dkf-4 Source: alekshdfilms thisgingerischronic alekshdfilms one time i forced my mom to play pokemon for at least half an hour and all she did was catch a butterfree and name it lowfat mom jokes> dad jokes 178,144 notes
Via polarisopposites

Liam Neeson has a Tumblr?

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Not Even the Grim Reaper Could Stop a Grandma On Her Way to a Hungry Grandkid

Not Even the Grim Reaper Could Stop a Grandma On Her Way to a Hungry Grandkid
Via ruinedchildhood

What WILL Impress You, Mom?

tumblr kids parenting g rated - 8186460672
Via babebraham
Tumblr filled dadisms for hilarious family stories

16 Hilarious Tumblr Family Stories Filled to the Brim with Dadisms

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