customer support reviews customer service karens amazon reviews funny reviews karen-customer customers 1-star-review customer entitled customers - 20488965

'Does not even turn on': Confused buyer leaves 1-star review for a fake phone because it doesn't work

If you buy something that's specific purpose is to look like something else but not actually work, you shouldn't be surprised when it doesn't work. That's literally what it's for. I don't know what you'd actually want to buy one of these for—unless you were a retailer looking for a risk-free display dummy. Maybe as a prop for a film or stage set? Anyways—the point is that leaving this product a 1-star review for not working is mind-boggling. You should be leaving it a 1-star review if you were…
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aita cooking birthday relationships happy birthday reddit thread Reddit couple - 20482309

'Maybe I was a bit too harsh': Wife makes inedible home cooked meal for husband's birthday, husband calls her out, regrets his decision

Sometimes honesty is not the best policy.
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'Why does it make a difference?': Introvert's BF didn't invite him on trip to see college friends

'He had no intention of going': Introvert is hurt that his BF didn't invite him on trip, BF says it 'doesn't make sense'

Although this couple has been together for a while, they seem to have some communication issues that need addressing. In a post to r/amiwrong, a guy going by the name u/blunderous wrote to get some opinions on the relationship blunder he's currently going through. Basically, the OP travels with a few friends annually to hang out, and this time, he's traveling to two different cities. Instead of asking his introverted BF if he also wanted to come along, the OP just assumed he didn't want to go.…
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ask reddit workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace FAIL coworkers Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20471301

'Coworker talks to herself as well as inanimate objects': 10+ bizarre coworker stories

We have all had that one coworker...
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‘I need fuel and my car collected’: Customer demands petrol cashier retrieve car from down the road, tries to get cashier fired for refusing, gets banned by HR manager

‘I need fuel and my car collected’: Customer demands petrol cashier retrieve car from down the road, tries to get cashier fired for refusing, gets banned by HR manager

Employees working minimum wage jobs are remarkably gifted at identifying customer Karens from a mile away; their posture, the way they present themselves, and the superior tone in their voice as they begin a sentence with an entitled demand. These customers don't go on hiatus, they do not take breaks in their dedicated work to ruin people's day. In this case, a Karen entered a petrol station, eyed the other customers in line, decided her request ranked worthiest, and passed them all, strutting…
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antiwork jobs toxic-workplace job coworkers new job quit employees job-seeker toxic-boss workplace quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 20476421

'I don't like your chances': New employer threatens teen after they demand to be paid for their work after quitting due to red flags

There's no shame in ditching a new job once it's clear it won't work out. We're constantly told that a bad reference (or lack of one) will follow us for our entire life and hurt future job prospects, but that's not really true. Still, not everyone is going to be able to do this. However, when you're 17 years old and still living with your parents, you have the freedom to look for something else—which is good because you're often going to attract a lot of employers looking to exploit your lack o…
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'I owned the domain name': Web designer creates website, pivots to MC after owner won't pay for services

'She refused to pay, and stopped answering my calls': Web designer creates website, pivots to malicious compliance after entitled owner won't pay the bill

This website designer took malicious compliance to a new level with this stunt. There's often a lack of appreciation for the arts, whether you're a painter, dancer, writer, or filmmaker. Even for this person, a web designer who created an entire website for a client, the task went unappreciated. As u/shady_emoji shared to r/MaliciousCompliance, they were a college student trying to make a few extra dollars when they accepted a gig designing a website . This client wanted her website to show off…
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failblog epic-karma karen-roast entitled-karen Reddit karen-justice roasted karma entitled people - 20467461

'[Everyone] beside me bursts into laughter': Witty woman epically roasts grocery store Karen

If you have ever encountered a Karen throwing a tantrum, we are truly sorry for you. It is annoying and usually absolutely mind-boggling. The reasoning of Karens never makes any sense and the amount of entitlement and audacity is insane. So when you witness a Karen mid-tantrum get roasted it is more than satisfying, it is witnessing karmic energy at work. One Redditor shared their own story of when they witnessed an epic burn happen to a Karen in a grocery store in Australia. Apparently there y…
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funny-workplace-story talesfromretail funny-customer-stories manager owner malicious compliance retail revenge karen-customer karens in the wild karen - 20489477

'Ten thousand pennies, plus the extra twenty-five dollars, weighs a lot': Owner plays a reverse uno to Karen customer's malicious compliance

This customer wasn't happy about the service she had received or the price she had been charged—especially surprising considering she had been given a discount. She thought she could even get against the shop for the perceived slight against her and decided to execute a ‘malicious compliance’ by paying her repair bill entirely in pennies. She failed to calculate the fact that the owner might be happy to oblige her preferred method of payment—simply to watch her have to haul in sacks and sacks o…
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workplace-stories fired work stories toxic-workplace work reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20480773

'He just wanted a good reason to let me go': Employee fired for breaking company policy, debates exposing his boss to HR

Sounds like this guy isn't the only one getting fired!
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work work-memes memes jobs working memes relatable mondays weekdays work-week workplace coworkers relatable-memes relatable-work-memes monday

Witty Work Memes for Weekday Soldiers With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (May 9, 2023)

Checking your PTO accrual every day doesn't make it go any faster
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1-star-reviews entitled-influencer 1-star-review influencer karen-reviews entitled influencers karen entitled people - 20444421

Influencer leaves 1-star review when restaurant refuses to comp her meal in exchange for "exposure"

There seems to be no end to the number of people who think they're entitled to getting things for free just because a few people follow them on the internet. Asking for something for free after you've already eaten is kind of like scratching off a lotto ticket and then trying to return it. At that point, the transaction has already taken place—pay for your dang food and leave. The reality is that no one will give you something for free after the fact—that's not how it works. "Free" things in ex…
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'This makes zero sense': Woman's plane travel plans baffle her family

'This makes zero sense': Woman's plane travel luggage hack baffles her family

I thought I'd heard every travel hack , until I read this one, that is. I can truly say I've never thought about treating my luggage the way this woman plans to. Airports are quite strict with their luggage requirements. If you don't look it up before you go, you'll be stuck with a suitcase that's too big or too heavy, meaning you'll have to cough up some cash to fly your precious belongings along with you. And heaven forbid you have liquids that are more than 3.4 ounces, or have a carry on tha…
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management landlord malicious compliance tenant reddit thread Reddit couple apartment - 20466949

'Oh we aren't signing it': Tenants undergo monthly apartment inspections, they move out without informing management

There's nothing like reading about apartment drama to make you feel better about your situation.
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'My neighbor parks middle of our double-driveway': Guy claims authorities 'won't come out' to help with neighbor

'My neighbor parks in the middle of our double-driveway': Guy claims authorities 'won't come out' to solve issue with neighbor

There's no way this guy will let their neighbor get a free fence out of them. But apparently that won't stop her from trying! In a popular post to r/mildlyinfuriating, one person shared their story of neighborhood troubles. The post really resonated, with more than 5,500 people chiming in with helpful suggestions. The issue is that the OP, u/anselld, and their neighbor share the same driveway. OP included a lovely photograph, included below, to show the way the driveway leads up to their two ho…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace work toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20468229

'They said they'd fire me if I didn't sign': Company with high turnover institutes new policy on resigning, prompting backlash

It's remarkable that these employers thought they could get away with this ridiculous new policy.
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