

Entitled streamer wants free music for exposure | My rate is 50$ per minute completed music. Is alright? Here is my full commission info if want take look. 3:12 PM 50$ is too much. Im going be big streamer so should get an exposure discount since thousands will hear music. 3:16 PM Can have link twitch (or whatever site dont really work free anymore, sorry. My rates are already pretty low considering time investment, but maybe can work out some small discount if

Entitled Streamer Demands Music for Exposure, Gets Nothing

Great business strategy, dude.
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Memes that are relatable with expressions of Kim Kardashian

16 Kim Kardashian Memes That Are Just Too Dang Relatable

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Sunn LO)))L

lol metal - 6411214592
Upside down bats funny video

Bats Filmed Upside Down Have Goth Club Vibe

Hello, gentlemen.
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