FAIL Nation


Tumblr: a magical website with the bizarre, the hilarious and the unexpected. Think you've seen it all? Think again. The best one-liners, random threads and weird thoughts are yet to be discovered. 

memes that are funny AF

32 Funny AF Memes That'll Give You A Little Pick-Me-Up

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tumblr thread explaining what cats think when we kiss them as well as what cats and dogs think when we accidentally step on them thumbnail includes a picture of a girl kissing a cat 'Kitties rub their heads against their chosen people as a method of scent marking, but not of ownership. Instead, they're getting their scent on you because they know that you're a family, but you smell "Funny" compared to them. They're trying to make you smell like their family.'

Tumblr Explains Cats' Thoughts When Humans Kiss Their Heads

do they think we're trying to eat them or do they know it's affection?
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Tumblr users go all in on a conversation about The Incredibles | silverhawk honestly tho scene incredibles where mr. incredible sees names all old super heroes used be his friends he knew Back Day and every one them has been killed by syndrome is such chilling scene so many reasons like one, everyone he knew is dead at this point and has been killed on same island he's at now and two, its heartbreaking bc means almost every hero wanted try out being hero again despite laws against and wanted try

Tumblr Users Analyze "The Incredibles" To Oblivion

Such a good movie.
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Girl finds shark on the beach, and then yeets it back into the ocean | love going walks at night, especially there's clear sky, so age sixteen, would go few miles up beach around midnight most nights. One night, while still about mile our house saw something rolling surf s either plastic bag caught on log thought Or four foot shark jogged over not plastic bag caught on log shark moving and didn't appear be hurt, but caught water only an inch or so deep, being pushed higher with every wave by

Girl Discovers Shark On Beach, Throws It Back Into Ocean

There should be an animated short for this.
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A Tumblr thread that appreciates the cinematic masterpiece that was "Night At The Museum." | goddessofidiocy okay but why don't more people talk about Night at Museum like poc characters and people being portrayed by poc people | this movie is so good

Tumblr Thread Appreciates Night At The Museum

Was definitely an entertaining movie.
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Gross and funny tumblr fish thread | REI tilthat Follow TIL ocean there exists biotic cleaning stations, where fish will go be serviced by certain species fish and shrimp who remove dead skin and parasites. via bogleech Follow Different fish wait line and even though most marine fish are predators they tend treat station as like peaceful zone

Quick Tumblr Thread on the Impostor Cleaner Fish

One of the many jerks of the sea.
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You'll Get it When Your Mind Ketchups

FAIL tumblr - 8795080192
Via yestotoast
tumblr Cats funny animals animals funny memes jo38ma3 funny - 9539845

Tumblr Gets Deep And Funny About Animals

15 funny tumblr posts about animals
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Kevin from Tumblr is quite the character

Legendary Tumblr Post Recounts The Impossibly Mindless Acts Of A Dude Named Kevin

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Tumblr thread about how PETA is bad, animal rights, no-kill shelters, pet euthanasia.

Illuminating Tumblr Thread Reminds Us Why PETA Is The Worst

PETA has almost always been a controversial animal rights organization. On the surface, their mission is completely agreeable. Is anyone *against* the ethical treatment of animals? The truth is that when you dig deeper, as this Tumblr thread reveals, PETA's practices are the complete opposite of moral or ethical. This is a very, very sobering reminder that one should always look into an organization's methods before supporting them. If you're looking to support some relatively sane Animal Right…
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funny memes, dank memes, random memes, stupid memes, shitposts, facebook, tumblr, funny comments | Non sexual ways find out if girls sub? Charles Ray See if her clothes smell like Italian herbs and cheese | K-9 Bites Cow, Deputy Tases K-9, Cow Kicks Deputy DEPUTY COW K-9 The Office Mexican standoff

Witty Memes & Images For Humor Addicts

Everyone deserves a good chuckle
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Funny random memes and tweets | BLIND PEOPLE WHILE READING HORROR STORY ON BRAILLE: Something's wrong can feel Eminem | flawlessly execute joke front 4 5 people and everyone laughs Spongebob finger guns

Thirty-One Dumb Posts For Meme Connoisseurs

We're here to save you from your boredom!
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Dog masters the art of herding a Roomba | gallusrostromegalus So one my neighbors has lawn Roomba or whatever they're called, and this thing trundles around looking like background robot background original trilogy, and ABSOLUTELY BAFFLING DOGS. They have concluded think s some kind prey animal because right after this video ended they decided crouch down and stalk which means 90% sure going have stop Arwen eating at some point.

Tumblr Thread: Dog Masters The Art Of Herding A Roomba

Arwen's got a bright future.
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tumblr calculation of how many communion wafers equal jesus

Tumblr User Runs The Ridiculous Math On How Many Communion Wafers Equal One Jesus

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Stahp, What Has the Internet Done to Us?

Via peggysue
Tumblr User Reminds Us All That PETA is the F*cking Worst

Tumblr User Reminds Us All That PETA is the F*cking Worst

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