FAIL Nation


You Don't Say?

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Correlation, Much?

headline juxtaposition newspaper fail nation g rated - 8101380608
Created by ichc.chrispeeler ( Via Bits and Pieces )

Predicting the Weather, It's Harder Than it Sounds

headline weather what newspaper - 8412081664
Via Bad Newspaper

True Facts, Thanks Newspaper

True Facts, Thanks Newspaper
Via Chin_Spinach

This is Exactly What We All Want to do With Carolers

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Via Bad Newspaper

What the Heck Does "Cinco" Mean Anyway?

facepalm newspaper g rated - 8174914816
Via Bad Newspaper

So Close Yet so Very Far

bank robber to jail gives two forms of id
Via Bad Newspaper

Just Some Bros Hanging Out FAIL

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Via Reddit

You Don't Want a Pizza This Headline

headline food newspaper - 8194778368
Via kate medley

We Would be Lost Without Those Pictures

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Via Bad Newspaper

Classic: Please, Think of the Fauna

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Via Bad Newspaper

Don't Touch This Newspaper Ad, It's a White-Hot Burn

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This is Why We Protect Our Weddings

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Via Bad Newspaper

They Always Return to the Scene of the Crime...

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Via Bad Newspaper

What Does That Say?

Ad newspaper - 6191504896
Via Reddit

One if by Land Two if by Sea!

deaths are coming misprint newspaper
Via Bad Newspaper

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