FAIL Nation


This Server Says Goodbye to a Cruel, Cruel World

gif funny - 7843330816

I Never Liked That Ski Anyway

gif whoops skiing - 7936929792

You Don't Need Ankles to Do Parkour

Via soulofhell

The Classic Double-Fakeout

gif chairs prank - 8031861248
Via Bits and Pieces

Trying to Use Your At-Home Gym Like

Via awcvipu

Spinning Isn't the Part That's Going to make Hulk Mad

Via 1InvictuS1

When the Tree Punches Back

Via Natureman123

Throwing Your Legs int he Air Like You Just Don't Care!

Via Rookvlees

Some Dogs Will Only Love You On Their Terms

Via themapofmyhead

Putting Too Much Into the Punch and Not the Landing

Via JimM85

Music is Relaxing... For Your Whole Body

Via lolynarf

Witness the Traditional Monster Truck Greeting

gif cars funny - 7790905344

Always Check the Integrity of Yuur Landing-Roof

Via GardenTree

There's No Escape, You're a Part of the Escalator Now

ouch gif escalator temporarily stairs - 8006185216

The Hurdle of Pain

gif ouch sports - 7991185920

Rope Swing FAIL

ouch gif rope swing funny - 7788433920

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