FAIL Nation


That's Not How Trust Works

gif trust fall funny fail nation g rated - 7879927552

Gotta Practice For Dancing on the Bar

Via gui237

This Pedestrian Had it the Worst in This Car Crash

ouch gif accident cars close call - 7136339456

Instant Karmic Feedback

gif karma ouch justice - 7936955392

But it IS a Backflop WIN

gif boating backflip funny - 7646162176

How Does a Foul Ball Even Do That?

gif baseball foul ball funny fail nation g rated - 7790904576

Cool, Refreshing FAIL

gif sports water bottle funny - 7843333888

Pogo is a No Go

gif FAIL - 8600711424
Created by tamaleknight

CLASSIC: Instant Payback

gif exercise ball karma ouch - 7946946816

Thank You, Magical Baseball Force Field

gif sports baseball close call - 7257336576

A Shoryuken Gone Very Wrong

ouch gif bad idea fire funny fail nation - 7670575104

Does Your Gym Look Like This After New Year's?

gif gym ouch - 7983622656

Unnecessary Censorship at its Best

gif accidental sexy fail nation - 8031865856

Congrats on Second Place!

gif whoops funny - 7668435712

karma Strikes Quick

gif exercise ball funny karma - 7777306624

Weebles on wheels Wobble But DOn't Fall

Via Kerah

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