FAIL Nation


Playground FAIL

best of week design genius Hall of Fame playground whoops - 6611464704

They Call it "The Training Course"

design bike dangerous - 8286839808
Via HotTyre

Subway to Nowhere FAIL

design genius Subway - 6583498496
Via Reddit

Library Nine and Three Quarters?

door design library building - 7048206080
Inventions so good they don't need to be improved | SaltyChickenDip 58.8k points 16 hours ago Paper clip. Last major patent 1880's

Inventions That Work Too Well to be Improved Upon

Some stuff just sticks around.
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What is This, a Button for Giants?

design facepalm DIY funny - 7569437696
Via Neatorama

Engrish Outlet FAIL

engrish outlet design racism thats-racist - 6688026368
only in russia design faucet funny Video fail nation g rated - 50782721

Clearly This is a Russian Faucet

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Design Inspiration FAIL

cars design shopping cart smart car toy - 5447584768

Graphic Design FAIL

design derp - 7380739584

Make Sure to Bring Your Grabby Claw Arm

Awkward design bathroom - 8400521984
Via Bits and Pieces

No One is Getting into This Fortress!

gate genius design fail nation g rated - 8240701184
Via dillwillhill

The 8:30 to Derail-Town is Coming in!

bad idea design engineering train fail nation g rated - 8419534336
Via Bits and Pieces

This Probably Looked a Lot Better in the Design Phase

design accidental gross magazine funny fail nation - 7878131200

Clearly the Work of a Criminal Genius

genius facepalm design security - 8259794176
Via ihatethemaclab

Howdy Neighbor!

Awkward design bathroom - 8288205824
Via Acid Cow
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