FAIL Nation

"I Wasn't Prepared for This" FAIL

military spider - 6472603648
Via Reddit
drunk scotland trolltube Video - 74362113

This Scottish Bro Can't Say "Purple Burglar Alarm" for the Life of Him

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news justice taxi Video - 71620353

After Stiffing on Cab Fare, This Woman Had Two Options: Jail, or Walking 30 Miles

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Moby Dick

kids school parenting - 8819438592
Via izismile

If You Wondered if the Emmy's Were Still Relevant, Here's Something to Give You Pause

facepalm - 8251343360
Via Uproxx

Creepy Claus FAIL

christmas creepy fail nation g rated - 6848269312

Captcha, You've Got Quite the Mouth

captcha phone funny - 7768005632
Via Reddit

Jimmy Wales Juxtaposition FAILs

creepy wikipedia - 5447892480
Created by unsmecher ( Via Codres )

This Lamp Will Make You do a Double Take

lamp spider Kill It With Fire - 7102420224

Penalty Knee FAIL

animated gifs ouch soccer - 6586098944

Store-Time Fun FAIL

ouch gifs whoops flip store - 6709065472

Setting High Standards

facepalm irony spelling funny - 7520276480
Created by jeremyers1

Doing Drugs FAIL

climbing - 6362165248
Created by marincheche

Rude Awakening FAIL

cars crash wtf - 6070251520
A collection of the dumbest ideas that people had during the middle of stressful situations. | Wrackrackes 23h 7 Awards My dinner oven caught on fire, instead attempting put out fire took picture and texted my mom advice 39 years old.

Dumbest Ideas People Had In The Middle Of A Crisis

We've all been there at one point or another.
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Shopping FAIL

grocery shopping - 6150363392

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