

What Acute-y!

Babies facepalm puns math spelling - 8245461760
Created by AnkamaraWolf

My Eye Won't Stop Twitching After Reading This

Via herper

So... You're Stuck to Somebody's Face?

beard spelling Witch Your Spelling - 5554642432

0 for 2

make your own fail spelling your friends are laughing at you - 4520902656

The Autocorrect Atheist Conspiracy Comes to a Head!

religion conspiracy autocorrect spelling - 8346819072
Via 96fpsporn

Your Excuse Made You Look Dumber

spelling - 4605553408
Created by dagingerheadman

Outfit. Outfit is the Word You Were Looking For.

twitter typo spelling failbook g rated - 8202707712
Via Dumbest Tweets


denied facepalm spelling - 4372359168

Too Bad About That Grammar

grammar whoops irony spelling - 8409606656
Created by Unknown

People Told Me I Couldn't Attain a Third Grade Spelling Level. I DID!

college high school negativity school spelling - 6564538112
Created by hawlllzzzz

Dumb and Dumber

facepalm what spelling wat - 6928851456
Created by Jadefw

Lol Skool R So Dum

school idiots spelling - 7119613696

Spelling Mistakes Like This: Not Cute

grammar facepalm spelling - 8313249024
Via atissue0730

Idiom FAIL

facepalm spelling - 4576809984

Your Spelling A-fends Me

grammar spelling failbook - 8184470016

Yeah, a Real Podium of Petals!

facepalm phrasing spelling - 8357431296
Via metaldrummerx