
sick burn

Check and Mate, Hater

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20 of the Sickest Burns of All Time

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Hit Me!

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Created by MarcoRossi101

That Also Makes You the Victim of a SICK BURN, BRAH!!!

Text - Kirsten Call me a sl t. Call me a wh re. Call me whatever. I've heard it before. Say that I'm fake. Say that I lie. Say what you want. You won't see me cry, becauseI know none of it's true, but calling me all this** ha, what the hell does that make you? Me Gusta 7rOll p2p 3 m!nz b4 via Picnik - * Hannah <3 7h!5 Violet captain obvious 4 f3w s3c0ndz 4g0 Me Gusta Mitch Sp4m 7h!5

Apply Tesco Value Aloe Vera to Burned Area

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Created by qboyuk

Buy Some Aloe Vera for That Burn!

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Created by albaby11235

Can Someone Link Her That 'List of Burn Centers' Wikipedia Page, Please?


Pilot Used Burn. It's Super Effective!

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Closed Casket Due to Burn Disfiguration

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Dress That Burn With Bandages

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Created by Unknown

Not So Pimpin'

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Created by kokihi

Time to Bust Out the Aloe Vera

Text - It would be much easier to do jumping jacks if my dick weren't hitting me in the face. Like Comment about an hour ago likes this. I didnt know you were only 3 inches tal? about an hour ago Unlike 6

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Revisited

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Created by Kaylahn

The Rollercoaster of Love

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Burned by Mother

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Created by Unknown

Apply Cold Water...

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Created by KooGKooG
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