
Osama Bin Laden

Bin Laden Backwards

backwards Osama Bin Laden - 4732423168

And the Award for "Outstanding Performance of a Crazy Person on Facebook" Goes to...

conspiracy facepalm Osama Bin Laden barack obama failbook g rated - 8431261696
Via nadnate

Go What a Tree?

navy seals obama Osama Bin Laden politics - 4721794560


911 barack obama Death Osama Bin Laden - 4716139520

Our Generation...

obama Osama Bin Laden christopher columbus failbook g rated - 6728158208
Created by HustleUrBustle ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

Copy Pasta of the Day: Who Deserves Credit?

copypasta lol obama Osama Bin Laden politics star wars status quote - 4729949952

Keeping Up with the News FAIL

facepalm Osama Bin Laden slowpoke - 5558576896
Created by yllm8

Scoring Issue

911 navy seals Osama Bin Laden - 4839133952

Osama Bin Burnin'

racism obama Osama Bin Laden barack obama - 6999545600
Created by Unknown

When Were You When Al-Qaeda Died?

government Osama Bin Laden - 6991306752

Living Under a Rock... Under a Bigger Rock...

Osama Bin Laden slowpoke - 6534229504

Historical Precedence

Harry Potter Osama Bin Laden failbook - 7413882880
Created by Unknown

Order of Operations

Osama Bin Laden sad but true status update - 4718255360

Last Week

across the pond Osama Bin Laden royal wedding - 4718032128
Created by kjacobs7

Way, Way Too Stupid

Osama Bin Laden Vietnam - 7079779584


fake MLK Osama Bin Laden quote status viral - 4721306880
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