
North Korea

Supreme Leader and a Large Coke Please

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Created by InnerFlame

International Politics, Courtesy of Matt

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Created by Unknown

It's Just a George R. R. Martin Parody, but We Really Wish This Was the Real Deal

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Via Uproxx

Seth Rogen's Newest Movie is About Assassinating Kim Jong-Un. Unsurprisingly, Some People took Offense to That.

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Via Seth Rogen

Fox News's Greta Van Susteren Delivers a Facepalm-Inducing Rant About Sony and North Korea

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Via Uproxx

Kevin Jung Il

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Created by bigmac14

Anybody Else Smell a Sequel?

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Via Failbook

North Korea Now Streaming State-Run Newscasts on Facebook

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If World Events Were Your Annoying Facebook Friends That Always Popped Up on Your News Feed

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Via College Humor

Just Another Day in the DMZ

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Created by wu.y.shan.5

So, You're the Most Free Then?

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Created by olivia.crooks.18

Superman IV: The Quest for Pieces

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Created by Unknown

North Korea's Day Off

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