
Lord of the Rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.


failbook fanfic g rated Harry Potter loki Lord of the Rings The Avengers Thor voldemort - 6214404096
Created by Unknown

There are Bullies on Middle Earth, Too

copypasta Featured Fail Lord of the Rings - 5202823680
Created by mormongirl

Watch Out, We Got a Real Nerd Here

Lord of the Rings cringe The Hobbit failbook - 8402728960
Via J-smoov

I Can't... I Don't Even... I Just... Ugh...

Lord of the Rings Game of Thrones failbook g rated - 7958262528

Good Lookin' Out

Lord of the Rings zuckerberg note pass - 4672068096

One Tag to Rule Them All

twitter Lord of the Rings hashtags gandalf failbook g rated - 7103919872

They Didn't Even Think to Change Gandalf's Name!

Lord of the Rings plagiarism gandalf The Hobbit failbook g rated - 6874731008

Straight from The Doctor's Mouth

Captain Picard doctor who facepalm Lord of the Rings nerd Star Trek star wars - 5308435712
Created by kikibaa

God is a Wizard

god Lord of the Rings timing wizards - 4794360064
Created by ahorseiown

A Proud Boss

gandalf Lord of the Rings witty reply - 4799232512

Goes Without Saying

failbook gandalf g rated Lord of the Rings school - 6192609536


Lord of the Rings witty reply - 5736497408

"The Hobbyte" by CSS Tolkien

Lord of the Rings nerd puns technology witty reply - 4658242304

And in the Sparkling Vampires, Bind Them

books Lord of the Rings nerdgasm failbook g rated - 8255574784
Via Geeks Are Sexy

"You Were My Brother, Anakin!" -- Captain Picard

obi-wan kenobi star wars Lord of the Rings Samuel L Jackson pop culture failbook g rated - 7351836416
Created by fullmetalitachi


Lord of the Rings Memes movies really spelling Witch Your Spelling - 4367443968
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