
Lord of the Rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.


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The Law of the Rings

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Created by Unknown

Wizard Time

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I Think You Have the Wrong Wizard

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Created by bhavani

The Spirit of Magneto-dalf Lives Inside Us All

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Created by stillcantthinkofname
Funny Memes, Dank Memes, Random Memes, Shitposts, Stupid Memes, Meme Dump | Smoke detector shuts off yell I'm just cooking INVEST | first time gardner first beans sprouting garden Post Malone reaction

40 Entertaining Memes For The Experienced Procrastinator

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Lord of the Strings

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Butterfly, You Fools!

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Created by remmebercobain


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I Hear in Your Room the Same Bangs That Would Break the Walls of Me!

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The Middle (Earth) Ages

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Where'd You Get That Piece?

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Created by david

Quick, Summon the Eagles!

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Via ianmckellen
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