
Lord of the Rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.

Goes Without Saying

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The Law of the Rings

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Created by Unknown

The Lord of the Research Papers

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Created by eddie

To Be Fair, He Sounds Like He's From Gondor With That Name

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Created by Unknown

But How Will We Pass Now?

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The Middle (Earth) Ages

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You Shall Not Rock!

Lord of the Rings gandalf failbook g rated - 7307555840
Created by tylerss20

Good Lookin' Out

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You Mean Aragorn Isn't a Jedi?

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Created by Unknown

God is a Wizard

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Created by ahorseiown

If Anything, Wizards Have Higher Death Rates Than Normal People

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I Can't... I Don't Even... I Just... Ugh...

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Not That Stupid, Huh?

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Created by SigSigSig

They Didn't Even Think to Change Gandalf's Name!

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One Tag to Rule Them All

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Accounting for Middle-Earth

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Created by SeraphimRenegade
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