

The "Idiot Stick" Goes Both Ways

irony Probably bad News news Wait For It - 8336344320
Via SuperDanisaurus

The Horsey Moves in an L Shape, Right?

chess irony spelling - 8196302848
Via DJ7989
list social media irony - 535813

The Irony is Too Strong Here, We Don't Know What To Believe

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I Would Make the Same Mistake Two

irony spelling failbook g rated - 8101367552
Created by ichc.chrispeeler

Pot, Meet Kettle

facepalm language irony spelling - 8490946560
Created by Unknown

Oh Hey Look, a Hive of Pedants

Via scaryt

I Don't Think You Know What That Word Means

halloween holidays irony - 5386310144
Created by palaniav

You're Not Helping Your Cause, Ladies

battle of the sexes facepalm grammar irony spelling - 5300249856
Via dummystupid

The ALS Challenge is Stupid... Except When I Do it

charity hypocrite irony failbook - 8291750400
Created by Unknown

Apple Fandom in a Nutshell

phone irony apple iphone - 8313766144

Me Fail English?

english quiz irony spelling - 8412094720
Via phillyvanilly

Who's Driving Who Into a Ditch?

cars driving irony - 8060599808
Created by Unknown

Twitter Executive Anthony Noto Accidentally Tweets a Direct Message, Putting His Business Plans on the Internet for All

twitter whoops irony - 8387142912
Via kevinroose

"Ha, Nailed That Status! Back to Candy Crush!"

facebook irony - 8087132672

International Literacy Day

facepalm irony spelling your friends are laughing at you - 5181439488
Created by vikki ( Via imgur )

We Understand Just Fine

twitter facepalm irony - 8275277568
Via maryjblige
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