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Tubman Really Needs to Work on Her Angles

Via LAKingsDave

The Real OG

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A Brief History of the Emoticons We Use Every Day ;)

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We Will Never Forget the Great Australian Mongol Wars

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Realize This Is Why You Have Only Three Facebook Friends of the Opposite Gender, Resign Yourself to Being Forever Alone

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Those Who Do Not Study History Are Bound to Die Eventually

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Vesuvius Would be Pleased

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Don't Believe Everything You Hear on a Mixtape

Don't Believe Everything You Hear on a Mixtape
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The Unthinkable Happened to the Unsinkable

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Funny dank memes about history, historical memes, internet memes, educational memes, european history, world history, wwii, world war 2 | Uranium Plutonium exist* Manhattan Project: This is some serious gourmet shit. Gasstronomy. Pulp Fiction | Roman guards watching an elephant come down Alps 's first.

Fresh History Memes Sprinkled With Educational Spice

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The Real Source of All Human Conflict

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A funny Tumblr thread about timelessly funny internet references | headspace-hotel S headspace-hotel forget Internet things would be incomprehensible 2 years ago phenomenon where is appreciation Internet things could show someone 3000 BC and be almost sure they'd get kick out 1 headspace-hotel

Tumblr Thread: Timelessly Entertaining Internet Gems

It's a tale as old as time itself.
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Lolspeak Is the New Hieroglyph

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