
g rated

Wait, I Have to Defeat HOW MANY?

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Created by herpedtiliderped ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

In Australia They Just Call it a Night on the Town

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Via Brown Cardigan

The Baby of the End Times is Coming

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Created by Butteri

The Elusive Dislike Button

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It's Not Like People Don't Take Enough of Their Profile Pictures in the Bathroom Anyway

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Epic Burn

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Created by Unknown

The "Aww, Thanks" Redemption

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So Close, but Not the Right Reference

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Can We Try That Again in a Human Language?

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Created by kathrynkoch

This is Completely Unrelated to What Color Your Aura is, by the Way

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Can We Divide the Sidewalks Everywhere, Please?

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Yeah, Why Won't Those JERKS Have the Courage to Ask You Out?

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Maybe It's Worth Defacing a Stop Sign for This

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There's at Least One Moron on the Road

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Let's Play "Scenes from a School"

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