

Ladies and Gentlemen, Apple Fanboys...

iphone 5 ios 6 apple - 6631369216

Who Needs Technology Anyway?

smartphones macbook technology apple - 7716013056

When Life Gives You Lemons...

ipod apple - 4996214528
Created by Danny

The Apple... Razor?

razor phone knockoff apple iphone - 8225818368
Via Acid Cow

You're Just Now Realizing This?

mac apple - 6943235584

Do As Trump Says, Not As Trump Does

funny fail image Donal Trump tweets Apple boycott from iphone
Via _

I Hate to Be the Bearer of Bad Tidings, Friend...

iPhones apple steve jobs - 7924095232

Always Remember, It Could Be Worse!

apple bad day money tweet twitter - 6128307456

That Apple Magic

apple common sense technology - 6046785280
Created by ChazD

There's an App for That Burn

android pope ios 6 apple App failbook g rated - 6880771584

The Apple Fanboy is Born

apple common sense computers technology - 5971448832

Even More than All of Them?!

apple black humor hipsters steve jobs - 5284887040
Created by KlungHog

Like Getting Hit by a Dodge

apple irony juice - 4918454528
Created by jaddasroots

The iPhone 5 Has Bugs Already

apple iphone iphone 5 - 6580681472

Ask Siri Where to Buy Some Aloe Vera

apple iphone iphone 5 siri - 6618629376

I don't even....

apple chinese Featured Fail nerd - 5421263872