Engrish Funny


Take the stairs, not the elevator. Great for your health, and for a makeshift workout when you're stuck at home, just make sure to take them one at a time, you wouldn't want to trip over some of these multi-leveled puns.

Watch Out! We've Got Some Badasses Over Here!

italian Italy sign staircase stairs - 6045701888
Created by k1k1chan ( Via Amusing Moments )

Down the Stairs. They Mean Down the Stairs, Right?

accidental sexy food Hall of Fame korean love school stairs - 5251486720

Heat Rises, but They Never Mention How...

sign stairs warning - 4760398592
Created by Spread to fuck the fruit

Boring Lessons, I Bet

engrish note stairs - 4692604672
Created by Andriko

Wait, they're for WHAT?

down g rated signs stairs - 2841399552