

Russian Adapters

technology funny g rated - 7518356736

And That's Why All My Exclusive Footage of the Loch Ness Monster Are Blurry

old people technology - 6434476800

What Next, Phones Without Cords?!

technology funny g rated AutocoWrecks - 7461981184

Kid Has a LOT Going For Him, OK?

kids technology - 6378277120

Times They Have Changed

smart phones technology g rated AutocoWrecks - 7348793344


Hall of Fame technology - 6202737408

Short Answer, God Yes

mashable technology - 6423635968
Via Mashable

Theory of Televolution

AutocoWrecks bro evolution g rated mobile phones technology - 5658134272

From Bricks to Brains: The Evolution of the Cell Phone

technology cell phone infographic - 7888935424
Via computersciencedegreehub

The Next Stage of Televolution

evolution technology - 5675656960
Created by frmjewduhh

Siri Is Way Behind the Fictional Technology From a Superhero Movie

iron man siri technology The Avengers tony stark - 6213446400

I Assumed It Was Magic

infographic smart phones technology - 6612986112
Via My Cricket

And That's How the Olympics are On Your Computer

joy of tech olympics technology - 6469745664
Via Joy of Tech
ipad technology - 39500545

So Easy, Even an Orangutan Can Use It

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Sorry Clear Smartphone, That's Been Around For Awhile

technology g rated AutocoWrecks - 7093350144

Even Honest Abe Likes Texting

Abe Lincoln technology g rated AutocoWrecks - 6972614144
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