After 12

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What a Great Ending!

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All Day, Every Day

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Via The Dillydist

No Reason to Be Scared

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Via Too Trippy KJ

The Eternal Dream

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Via ImageWin

A Very Serious Problem

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Via The Perks of Being a Teen Girl

No Alcohol Means No Interest

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Created by G-Unit1111

A Surprise Decision

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Via TuxK


Via Tumblr

So Close!

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Every Sunday Morning

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Via Bartholmmmmew

Living the Simpsons Life

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Via The Magic of Orlando for You

What Would YOUR Best Party Ever Be?

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Homer's Spinach

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Via Sugar Frree

The Alcoholic Sundial

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Via PointBierestagram

The True Wisdom of Homer

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Via Cool Material

Who Needs Questions

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