After 12


It's One Stiff Drink

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Created by Unknown

How Do You Want It Cooked, Rare, Medium, Or Space Cadet?

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Crunk Critters: Loser Gets Mauled To Death

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I Feel The Bass In My... Well, I Feel It

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Via Loldwell

Crunk Critters: Well I Guess I Can Settle For Some Carrot Ale

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Too Soon?

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So Drunk She Face-Palm'd

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Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Shot

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You Look Stiff Man, Have Another Beer

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My Drunk Kitchen: Now In HD!

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Third Base

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The Really Hard Stuff

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News Pun WIN

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Dude, Nature Is Like... Just So CRAZY

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Bonus Points if You Whispered it After Reading

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Via Something Of That Ilk
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