After 12


Jesus is a figure in ancient history that is the focal point of one of the largest religions in the world. So it's natural tat any number of jokes and memes come out of a being so famous and well-known. From RaptorJesus to classic memes, there's something for everyone for the father of Christianity.

Jesus Take The Ween

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Why Didn't This Really Happen

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The Son of Man Came to Party

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Now Thta's a Miracle

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Such Miracles

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Via Lafranciamx

Well, I'm Convinced

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Beer Solicitors Are the Best Solicitors

jesus beer sign funny - 8131343616
Via Unknown
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Pick-Up Lines Of Biblical Proportions

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Dammit, Jesus, Stop Turning the Water Cups Into Wine!

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That Must've Been One Epic Bash

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Come on Jesus, Do Your Thing

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Via Margin60

The Water-To-Wine Trick Is Great For Parties

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I Thought Jesus Wore Sandals

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Via Unknown

Happy Rapture!

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I've Been Saved!

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Jesus Was History's First Drug Dealer

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