

Mmmm bacon.... Whether it's a breakfast food or a late night snack, bacon is just delicious. Made from almost any meat and even tofu, bacon is a versatile food that everyone can enjoy. Whether you're a chewy or crunchy person these bacon memes and laughs will have you craving your favorite all day snack.

Breakfast Cakes WIN

bacon breakfast cupcakes food g rated Hall of Fame noms team breakfast win - 5563367680

Breakfast Cups WIN

breakfast food bacon g rated win - 7151399680
Via Reddit


bacon hand dryer lies - 3170892288

The Important Parts Were Safe

quotes funny bacon - 7749060096
Via Know Your Meme

Breakfast Food Scarf WIN

bacon clothes eggs scarf team breakfast food - 4798984192
Created by sixonefive72

Bacon Kevin WIN

kevin bacon food celeb bacon g rated win - 6894100992
Via Obvious Winner

The Secret to Lasting Life Was in Our Skillets all Along!

completely relevant news old people rock BAMF bacon g rated win - 7440110080

Classic: Breakfast From Heaven Itself

bacon food breakfast g rated win - 8255577088
Via Zykium

After Being Hambushed, This Old Lady Wasn't Going to Let the Attacker Pigpocket Her

funny facebook image old lady beats off thief with bacon
Via GMP Trafford South

All the Essential Food Groups

Via Acid Cow

Delicious Bacon: And I've Been Using Boring Regular Air For Years!

awesome product bacon delicious bacon science wtf - 4605289728

The Incredible Pig-Based Dress

fashion dress funny bacon - 7601580544

Simple Decision-Making WIN

bacon business chalk sign choices clever sign - 6478969600
Via Reddit

I Guess That Decision is Made For Me

Chart diagram food bacon g rated win - 6994936576
Via Reddit

Meaty Goodness, Right Here

puns food license plate bacon - 8333174272
Via tyler_mischel

Protect Yourself in the Kitchen!

DIY food bacon there I fixed it - 8291897856
Via Acid Cow