

‘I won that money fair and square': After woman wins grandpa's secret competition to see who visits him the most, rest of the family protests that she gives the prize money back

‘I won that money fair and square': After woman wins grandpa's secret competition to see who visits him the most, rest of the family protests that she gives the prize money back

How often do you think one should visit their grandparents? Of course, it depends on how far they live from them, but let us assume they live no more than an hour away. Should they visit once or twice a month, every week, or maybe even a few times a week? Regardless of your answer, this Reddit story might change your perspective on the subject at hand. The OP of the Reddit post wrote about a competition her grandfather decided to secretly hold between all the members of the family. Throughout t…
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AITA for not giving my fiancés daughter money when I won the lottery?

'[She] thought this meant "we" won the money': Lotto winner's family insists on sharing her $50,000 prize, while the winner wants it all for her baby

Should you ever win the lottery , don't tell a soul until you lawyer up! Winning the lottery changes people's lives, but whether that's for better or worse is up to the winner's money habits. This 35 year old woman beat the odds and won a big sum from a scratch off card . Since she's pregnant, she decided the $50,000 would go to her future baby, so that the child can have a great life in the future. However, that's not the only child in the picture here! The OP has a fiancé, and the fiancé has…
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AITA for giving my ex wife a large amount of money I won despite the anger of my gf?

'Next time you win the lottery, call your *current* girlfriend first': Lottery winner asks 'AITA?' for calling his ex-wife upon winning millions

If you won millions in the lotto, what's the first thing you would do? For many of us, our first instinct would be to call our immediate family and best friends to share the news! But this guy called his ex-wife right after his parents — and his actual current GF is steaming mad about it! Not only did this guy called his ex first , he offered her some of the money. While some people in the comments immediately began to question his motives, he makes it pretty clear: he had kids with his ex . He…
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Twitter thread on debate party idea | tweet by christineexists my friends routinely have bracket nights where pick 16 something tonight types chairs argue about them until crown winner

Twitter Thread on Random Brackets Is a Really Good Idea

If you need a conversation starter, here you go.
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millionaire wheel casino nice winner dollars money win - 96176129

Watch a Dude Win a Million Dollars on a Casino Wheel

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Champion of the Day: New Jeopardy Winner Matt Jackson Also Succeeds at Having a Super Creepy Smile

Matt Jackson is the new Jeopardy winner and it has the creepiest smile.
Via Uproxx


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